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Strategic Purchasing Initiative

The Strategic Purchasing Initiative (SPIn) promotes a new level of collaboration between private and public companies. Our goal is to encourage the non-profit sector to work more closely with supermarkets to ensure that every charitable dollar purchases the greatest amount of food for those who need it most. This program is called the Strategic Purchasing Initiative (SPIn). NPF believes that the time has come for charitable organizations themselves to decide what's best for their clients in terms of the food they require instead of relying solely on in-kind donations, and for private organizations to use their expertise, not only their dollars, in assisting smaller community organizations. NPF funds the charitable organization ("CO") directly.


The CO then works closely with the supermarket to purchase the essential staples they require for their baskets. The supermarket in turn, will ensure that the CO will be able to purchase items at a reasonable price and will work closely to supply product close-outs that fit their requirements. It is hoped that the two organizations will also be involved in joint buying to allow each one to benefit from scale economies. NPF will hold all participants accountable through an auditing process. The first organizations to participate are the N.D.G. Food Depot and Esposito's Supermarket.